The Apple Just Really Doesn't Fall Far

Which explains why we do what we do.

I grew up climbing trees, playing ball, and living outdoors after school. I refused to practice the piano so my parents allowed me to quit that activity. I loved and played basketball, softball, tennis. My parents went to every game, not only mine, but my sister's and brother's. And then, when their grandchildren were born, they didn't stop. Every game, every band contest, dance recital, trips, and on and on.

We are family. And we support each other. That's just what we do.

So I guess that's why my husband and I realize the importance of support and involvement with our grandchildren. We are determined to build strong relationships with them. And we know this needs to begin while they are young. We also know it involves time and money.

This blog is about our adventures in the lives of our grands, gymnastics, baseball, music programs,
school functions, and just the joy of being involved. You will find reviews of hotels where we have stayed, restaurants along our way, campgrounds, state parks. You will also find activities that work for long and short car trips as well as what to do when you go camping.

Go to the Activities tab to find a great collection of fun things I have used for our camping trips, road trips, hotel stays.

Also missing from my search were hotel reviews geared specifically for grandparents traveling with grandchildren. There is definitely a difference. Kid-friendly hotels and restaurants that are also pleasant places for us are jewels when you can find them. And we have found several!

Yes, I know, you are going to shake your head and think I'm absolutely crazy. That's OK. You won't be the first to tell me that. And I know not everyone is cut out for these kinds of experiences. Many grandparents enjoy sitting and reading books with their grands, playing board games, taking them to movies. We do all of that too.

So if you are ready for a little adventure . . .  Let's go!!

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